East Godavari AP DSC 2014 Cut Off Marks Merit List SGT-SA-LP-PET-SchoolAssistant

AP DSC 2014 Cut Off Marks East Godavari. East Godavari AP DSC Cut Off Marks SGT, SA, School Assistant, LP, PET, Language Pandit 2014. APDSC Merit List East Godavari. APDSC 2014 Selection Lists of SGT/SA/LP/School Assistant/PET

AP DSC Cut Off Marks East Godavari 2014 AP DSC 2014 Results, East Godavari District AP DSC Merit List, East Godavari AP DSC 2014 Cut Off Marks of School Assistant (SA), Secondary Grade Teachers (SGTs), Language Pandits (LP), PETs will be released on 1st June 2014 (01.06.2014). The State Govt is preparing District wise DSC Merit List & Roster Points Lists of selected candidates at the state level. The Commissioner And Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh will send these APDSC 2014 Merit Lists to the East Godavari District Officials. Roster wise East Godavari DSC 2014 Cut Off Marks and Merit Lists will then be released and published online.
East Godavari District wise DSC 2014 Merit Lists may be available on DEOs official website, and http://apdsc.cgg.gov.in website. www.apdsc2012.in will also publish all districts DSC merit Lists and selection lists. Selection of candidates is based on Marks they secured in DSC 2014 written examination only. Total 9061 Posts will be recruited in this DSC, among them 6244 Secondary Grade Teachers, 1849 school assistants, 812 language pandits, 156 PETs will be recruited.

East Godavari APDSC Cut Off Merit Lists 2014

Final Selected List - Merit List Updated on 26.12.2012
East Godavari DSC 2012 Vacancies for Counseling

Provisional Selected List - Provisional Merit List Updated on 11.12.2012
East Godavari District AP DSC 2012 Provisional Selected List - Provisional Merit List after Verification on 12.12.2012 Download

Other District Vacancies and Merit Lists

General Merit Lists 26.11.2012
East Godavari District general, community wise School Assistants Merit List of Telugu, English, Hindi, Maths, Physics, Biology, Social Studies. Download
East Godavari District SGT (Secondary Grade Teachers) Merit List.Download
East Godavari District Language Pandit (LP) Telugu, Hindi, and PET Merit List. Download


  1. dsc2012 eastgodavari sgt update cut offs(approxmitaly) oc gen53 wom 48.4 oc nonlocal 62 bca gen 45.18 wom 37.12 bca nonlocal 53.02 wome 48.98 bcb non male 58.33 wom 54.87 bcc gen 40.50 bcd gen 48.13 wom 45.2 nonl gen 58.9 wom 56.9 scgen 45.73 wom 43.23 nonlocal gen53.83 wom 59.13

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. what is the cut off for lp and sa hindi sc local cut off?

    3. what is the cut off for sa hindi and lp hindi in eg dt local for sc women

  2. DSC-2012 Eastgodavari: SGT cut-offs including municipal posts (approximatly) oc gen 53 wom 48.4
    oc nonlocal gen 62 women 57.43
    bca gen m 45.18 wom 37.12
    bca nonlocal 53.02 wome 48.98
    bcb gen 46.67 wom 45.33
    bcb non male 58.33 wom 48.33
    bcc gen 40.50
    bcd gen 48.13 wom 45.2
    bcd nonl gen 56.5 wom 50.43
    sc gen 45.73 wom 43.23
    sc nonlocal gen 53.83 wom 49

    1. according to my information and above information there is difference in bcd non local category.

      If any one can know the exact information regarding this plz publish in this


  3. that cutoffs is including muncipal posts

    1. bcd non local cut-offs r exactly correct?

    2. how many sgt posts for non local

  4. i will check it once again

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. what is the procedure of opting non local posts. I want to choose the RR district but i actually belongs to E.G. District. If any body knows the selection procedure please respond to my comment.

    2. nonlocals r only cosidered 20%posts only

    3. The rule of reservation to local candidates is applicable and the provisions of
      Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (OLC&RDR) Order (Presidential Order) 1975
      and amendments there to shall be followed strictly. The procedure to be followed in
      respect of 20% (non-local and local) and 80% (local) candidates may be made
      explicit to the District Selection Committee

    4. 20% from total posts or category wise

  6. my marks 58.3 in rangareddy dist for sgt post.caste bc.a am i eligible for selection list?

  7. what is the sgt bca cutoff in rangareddy

  8. what is the sgt bca nonlocal cutoff in rangareddy

  9. what is the cut off for sc local women in sa hindi and lp in east godavari dt

  10. what is the cutoff marks schoolassistant social.........mahi

  11. what is expected cutout marks for SA MATHS WOMEN oc in east godavari district

  12. what are the cut of marks sgt telugu

    1. 42.63, BC-B, women am i elgible for the post of sgt

  13. my HALLTICKET NUMBER not in provisional list. so wat is result

  14. Please tell me what is the minimum cut of marks fo non local language pandit (hindi)....

    as i scored 59.5 and rank is 281.. Can I get any placement against this???

  15. sir wil u plz show cut off marks for ph candidates

  16. how to muncipality wise and mandal wise vaccancies in eg dt

  17. is there any oppertunity is give to the merit candidates(remaining people)after certificate verification,when the selected candidates are absent.


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