Mahabubnagar District DSC2012 Merit Lists SGT-SA-LP-PET-School-Assistant

Mahabubnagar District DSC 2012 New Provisional Selected Lists, Final Merit Lists, Selection Lists Vacancies SGT-SA-LP-PET-School-Assistants

AP DSC 2012 Results Mahabub nagar District wise Merit Lists selection lists Cut Off Marks, Community wise, Roster Points and Vacancies. Mahabubnagar District Wise Selection List, Merit Lists of School Assistant (SA), Secondary Grade Teachers (SGTs), Language Pandits (LP), PETs will be released on 26th November 2012 (26.11.2012). The State Govt is preparing District wise Merit & Roster Points Lists of selected candidates at the state level. DSC2012 results have already been declared. The Commissioner And Director of School Education - AP (Andhra Pradesh) will send these DSC 2012 Merit Lists to the Mahabub nagar DEO. Mahabub nagar District wise DSC 2012 Merit Lists may be available on DEOs official website, aponline, will publish all districts merit - selection lists. Selection of candidates is based on Marks secured in DSC 2012 written exam (80%) Plus Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)(20%). Total 21,343 Posts will be recruited in this DSC state wise. Candidates can also download their OMR Sheet Photo Copy from November 1st. Model Schools TGT PGT Merit Lists will also be announced soon.

Mahabubnagar District Total DSC2012 Subject wise, Category wise, Management wise Vacancies.
School Assistants-472, SGT-1254, LP-114, PET-22, Total-1862 Download Vacancies List

Fianal Selection Lists Updated on 26.12.2012

New Provisional Selection Lists Updated on 23.12.2012
Mahabubnagar District AP DSC 2012 Provisional Selected List - Provisional Merit List Download
BIO-MERIT.xls (393,5 kB)
LPHINDI-MERIT.xls (45,5 kB)
LPTELUGU-MERIT.xls (26,5 kB)
maths-merit.xls (44,5 kB)
PETTEL-MERIT.xls (24 kB)
physci-merit.xls (35 kB)
SA-ENG-MERIT.xls (46,5 kB)
sahin-merit.xls (27 kB)
satel-merit.xls (33,5 kB)
sgttel-merit.xls (402,5 kB)
SOCIAL-MERIT.xls (52 kB)
LP-URDU.xls (24,5 kB)
PET-URDU.xls (25,5 kB)
SA-BIOSCI-URDU.xls (25,5 kB)
SA-MATHS-URDU.xls (25,5 kB)
SA-PHYSCI-URDU.xls (29 kB)
SA-SOCIAL-URDU.xls (26 kB)
SA-URDU.xls (25 kB)
SGT URDU.xls (37 kB)
agency lp hindi.xls (25,5 kB)
lp telugu agency.xls (25 kB)
pet agency.xls (25 kB)
SA (Bio.Sci) Agency.xls (25 kB)
SA (English) Agency.xls (25 kB)
SA (Maths) Agency.xls (28 kB)
SA (Phy.Sci) Agency.xls (25 kB)
SA (Social) Agency1.xls (27 kB)
SA (Telugu) agency 1.xls (26 kB)
SA(Hindi)Agency.xls (25 kB)
sgt agency1.xls (45,5 kB)
Provisional Merit Lists 20/80 updated on 22.12.2012

List of Candidates who are Absent for Certificate Verification

Other District Vacancies and Merit Lists


  1. This is Mahabub Nagar DSC 2012 SA Physical Science(Telugu) expected top scorers rank wise.

    Category Marks Gender Rank
    BC-B 79.5 F 1
    OC 78.33 M 2
    BC-B 77.37 M 3
    BC-A 77 M 4
    BC-B 76.87 F 5
    BC-B 76.57 M 6
    BC-D 75.6 M 7
    BC-D 74.6 M 8
    OC 73.5 M 9
    OC 73.2 M 10
    BC-B 73.08 M 11
    BC-D 72.93 M 12
    BC-D 72.93 M 13
    OC 72.8 M 14
    OC 72.47 M 15
    BC-D 72.33 M 16
    OC 72.07 M 17
    BC-A 71.77 M 18
    OC 71.33 F 19
    BC-B 71.27 M 20
    BC-D 71.2 M 21
    BC-D 70.9 M 22
    BC-B 70.6 M 23
    SC 70.57 M 24
    OC 70.48 F 25
    BC-B 70.47 M 26
    BC-E 70.43 F 27
    BC-B 70.13 M 28
    BC-D 70.1 M 29
    BC-B 69.97 M 30
    BC-D 69.87 F 31
    OC 69.77 M 32
    BC-B 69.73 M 33
    BC-B 69.67 M 34
    OC 69.53 M 35
    BC-B 69.47 F 36
    OC 69 F 37
    BC-B 68.87 F 38
    OC 68.87 F 39
    OC 68.57 F 40
    BC-B 68.3 F 41
    BC-B 66.87 F 42

  2. links not yet activated, even results are out now.........

  3. links not yet activated, even results are out now.........

  4. Can you publish Hindi - SA and LP merit list please

  5. Replies
    1. can you publish nlg SA maths,social or english

  6. nlg sa hindi full details cut of marks unnai

  7. nellore DSC 2012 SA Telugu and L.p expected top scorers rank, please send to my mail

  8. kindly send me the dsc marks list for biolgy telug medium -mbnr

  9. plz send me the marks list of biology subject med telugu in mahabub nagar for dsc 2012

  10. pls publish school assistant social(mahabubnagar )list
    from shiva shanker matham

  11. sir could u plz tel me the Lp cut of marks in hindi in mahabubnagar dist

  12. This might be the MahabubNagar Toppers list.But this is not the Provisional list,
    this can be changable.... Do not consider this is the Final list...
    the final list can be released on 1st December 2012 by DEO.
    All the best.....

    O.C.(Gen) - 11
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    BC-B Female 63 16.53 79.53 1
    OC Male 63 15.33 78.33 2
    BC-B Male 63.5 13.87 77.3 3
    BC-A Male 61 16 77 4
    BC-B Female 61 15.87 76.87 5
    BC-B Male 61.5 15.07 76.57 6
    BC-D Male 62 13.6 75.6 7
    BC-D Male 59 15.6 74.6 8
    OC Male 59.5 14 73.5 9
    OC Male 60 13.2 73.2 10
    BC-B Male 60.5 12.53 73.03 11

    O.C.(W) - 6
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    OC Female 58 13.33 71.33 19
    BC-E Female 57.5 12.93 70.43 27
    OC Female 55 14.93 69.93 31
    BC-D Female 56 13.87 69.87 32
    OC Female 55 14.53 69.53 37
    BC-B Female 56 13.47 69.47 38

    B.C-A(Gen) - 1
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    BC-A Male 57.5 14.27 71.77 18

    B.C-A(W) - 1
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    BC-A Female 53.5 13.6 67.1 64

    B.C-B(Gen) - 2
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    BC-B Male 59 12.27 71.27 20
    BC-B Male 59 11.6 70.6 24

    B.C-B(W) - 1
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    BC-B Female 55 13.73 68.73 45

    B.C-D(Gen) - 3
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    BC-D Male 58 14.93 72.93 12
    BC-D Male 57 15.33 72.33 16
    BC-D Male 58 13.2 71.2 21

    B.C-D(W) - 1
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    BC-D Female 54 13.6 67.6 58

    B.C-E(Gen) - 2
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    BC-E Male 47.5 13.47 60.97 197
    BC-E Female 48.5 12.13 60.63 210

    S.C - (Gen) - 3
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    SC Male 57.5 13.07 70.57 25
    SC Male 55.5 12.8 68.3 52
    SC Male 53 11.33 64.33 111

    S.C - (W) - 2
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    SC Female 51 10.93 61.93 163
    SC Female 42.5 11.73 54.23 477

    S.T - (Gen) Plain -1 Agency - 1
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    ST Male 45.5 10.27 55.77 412
    ST Male 42.5 12.53 55.03 445

    S.T - (W) Plain - 6 Agency - 3(One can be eliminated from the below list,
    If they consider non-local then last local member will be
    eliminated from the below list.)
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    ST Female 31 10.13 41.13 1241
    ST Female 27.5 10 37.5 1442
    ST Female 28 8.13 36.13 1506
    ST Female 27 8.4 35.4 1543
    ST Female 25 9.6 34.6 1568
    ST Female 24.5 8.67 33.17 1612
    ST Female 23.5 9.07 32.57 1626
    ST Female 22.5 9.33 31.83 1633
    ST Female 21.5 8.27 29.77 1661
    ST Female 20.5 8.4 28.9 1667

    VH(W) - 1
    CommunityGenederDSC TET Total Rank
    OC Female 41.5 11.47 52.97 530

    CommunityGenederPH DSC TET Total Rank
    BC-A Female OH 43.5 11.87 55.37 430

    Ex-ser (Gen)- 1 No one in the list

  13. ST English( School Assitant) Plain-4 Agency-2
    411412100980 JYOTHSHNA M 52.47
    411412101181 PADMA KATRAVATH 50.93
    411412101332 MUDAVATH KAVITHA 47.80
    411412101340 S ALIVELU 38.23
    411412100951 VIJAYA LAXMI M 38.00
    411412101339 JAYAMMA M 37.87

  14. Mahabubnager, ST English( School Assitant) Plain-4 Agency-2
    411412100980 JYOTHSHNA M 52.47
    411412101181 PADMA KATRAVATH 50.93
    411412101332 MUDAVATH KAVITHA 47.80
    411412101340 S ALIVELU 38.23
    411412100951 VIJAYA LAXMI M 38.00
    411412101339 JAYAMMA M 37.87

  15. in mahaboob nagar we dont find any person selected for SA HINDI non local doubt is wheter they will fill with all locals only or non locals will be given chance

  16. generally non locals will be given 20%quota .but it seems single post for SA HINDI is filled.


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